Tuesday, 25 September 2012

review: Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue)

Today's beer adventure: Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) (Belgium). 750ml bottle. 9% ABV. Served in a tulip glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

Style: 18E - Belgian Strong Ale

Aroma: Dark fruit esters - big raisin, plums, fig, dates. Caramel. Banana. Slight spicy pheneols. Walnuts. Alcohol is way out front - not outside style. No diacetyl. Negligible hop aromas.  10/12

Appearance: Dark amber. Slightly hazy, but not inappropriate for style. Large tan head. Great retention. Medium lacing.  3/3

Flavour: Huge dark fruit esters as per the aroma. Alcohol. Caramel, but not overpowering. Bread. Dry finish, likely from hops. No diacetyl. No astringency. No sour or acidic qualities. Finish lingers for just the right period of time. 15/20

Mouthfeel: Lively on the tongue. Medium mouthfeel but seems lighter due to the fairly high carbonation. No slickness/oiliness. Lots of warming alcohol without being boozy. No acidic bite. 5/5

Overall Impression: Smooth an medium bodied, fruity, a bit of spice. Wonderful Belgian yeast character. Complex, rich beer.  8/10

DDogg rating is 8 out of 10 dogs. I strived in the above to judge the beer against the style guide...not against whether I "liked" it or not...hint though..I liked it. A lot.

What other people think: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/215/2512
Brewer's website: http://www.chimay.com/en/chimay-bleue.html?IDD=130&IDC=287

Beer Nerd Alert - First BJCP class!

So the first BJCP class was last night. I might be a little scared. :) I think it will be alright, but the amount of information that needs to be absorbed prior to writing the first test - 200 questions in ONE HOUR - and the second practical exam, is very high. I am going to try and follow the BJCP guidelines a bit during the next while while doing my reviews.

Anyways, if you happen to care about the program I am taking - here is the info: http://www.bjcp.org/sitemap.php

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Countdown to the BJCP class!

Sooo...this coming Monday, September 24th, is my first step towards becoming a certified beer judge. I am taking the BJCP training course with my buddy Derek. At worst we will drink a lot of neat beers between now and January. At best, we will learn a ton and maybe even get a whole bunch better at identifying what it is that we are tasting and smelling.

I am hoping to blog that experience as well. We are very excited. SQUEEEEE!!!!

review: Anchor Bock

Today's beer adventure: Anchor Bock (California, USA). 355ml bottle. 5.5% ABV. Served in a pint glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

The pour is dark brown with amber hues. One finger of tight tan head. Good retention. Nose of sweet dark fruit, anise, pumpernickel bread. The nose also has a metallic quality about it...not sure what that is.

The flavour is of plum, yeast, dark roasted malt and cherries with tangy citrus on the finish.

Rating is 7.0 dogs. This bock is alright...fresh...a bit "light" for a bock, and would be very sessionable. Tasty, but there are better.

What other people think: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/anchor-bock-beer/47436/
Brewer's website: http://www.anchorbrewing.com/beer/anchor_bock

Monday, 17 September 2012

review: North Coast Brewing PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale

Today's beer adventure: North Coast Brewing PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale (California, USA). 355ml bottle. 7.6% ABV. Served in a tulip glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

The pour is hazy amber with 3 fingers of foamy white head. Excellent retention. Medium carbonation. Nose is of sweet Belgian yeast, honey, slight banana, spices and citrus fruits.

The flavour is honeyed lemon, orange and grapefruit. Apricot and banana. Very sweet. Only a little of the cloves and coriander that one might expect. A bit dry on the finish. Big round mouthfeel and medium carbonation. ABV is well hidden.

Rating is 7.0 dogs. Really tasty, but maybe a bit too sweet? Lacks the subtlety that other great Belgian ales have. Would buy again.

What other people think: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/112/411
Brewer's website: http://northcoastbrewing.com/beer-Pranqster.htm