Sunday 15 July 2012

review: Žatec Dark Lager

Today's beer adventure: Žatec Dark Lager (Czech Republic). 500ml bottle. 5.7% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina ~$7.00/bottle

The pour is a dark, almost black, with ruby highlights. Two fingers of tan head. Medium carbonation. Nose is sweet and malty with a bit of liquorice.

The flavour is sweet malt, then the liquorice. Not much else for me. Finish is short, a bit roasty and a slight bit bitter. I get a metallic taste through the backend as well..not sure what that is about.

Rating is 6.75/10 dogs. S'OK. Good beer. Wold buy it if I saw it on tap somewhere and there were few other options. Wouldn't run out to buy another bottle tomorrow either, but it's good. Easy to drink.

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