Tuesday 14 August 2012

review: Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout

Today's beer adventure: Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout (Yorkshire, UK). 550ml bottle. 5.0% ABV. Served in a goblet. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina. Can't remember how much it was...maybe $6.00?

The pour is dark brown with 3 fingers of thick, creamy, tan-coloured head. Low carbonation. Nose is bread, coffee, chocolate, toasted cereals.

The flavour is fan-freaking-tastic. The chocolate-covered coffee beans hit first, then a bit of raisin and date. Fig. Bitter, fruity hops on the finish. Smooth drinking, creamy mouthfeel.

Rating is 8.75/10 dogs. Holy crap this stuff is incredible. I've stated before that I am a fan of oatmeal stouts, but this one *might* be my favourite. Wow. Easy drinking and full of flavour. The glass begs you to come back for another pull. Yummy!

What other people think: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/113/571/
Brewer's website: http://www.samuelsmithsbrewery.co.uk/oatmealstout.html

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