Saturday, 9 June 2012

review: Bushwakker Missiletow Ale

Today's beer adventure: Bushwakker Missiletow Ale (Regina, SK). 650ml bottle. 8.0% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased at the Mighty Bushwakker Brewpub. $6.00

The pour is reddish amber with 3 fingers of white frothy head. Lively carbonation. Nose is of toasty malt, slight hop aroma, alcohol.

The flavour shows cherries, raisins, bread, toasted malt and a slight bit of citrusy hops. Alcohol not as present in the flavour as in the nose.

Rating is 8/10 dogs. Nice winter warmer on a cold, rainy June day. I bought this months ago and just found it in the back of the fridge, past it's expiration date (oops). Being the brave soul that I am, AND being of Scots descent - not wanting to waste alcohol - I dove in anyways..I don't believe that the brew suffered much due to being past it's prime. This is one of my favourite brews from BW, so maybe I am being somewhat biased...but it is my blog, so I don't care. This brew is usually available on tap and in bottles around December.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

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