Sunday 28 October 2012

review: 5264 Doppelbock (from ALES Open 2012)

Today's beer adventure: Entry #5264 Dopplebock (Unknown). 330ml bottle. ?.?% ABV. Served in a pint glass. Acquired from the random box of beer entries 2 weeks ago at my BJCP class.

Style: 5C - Doppelbock

Aroma: Sweet maltiness with an initially overwhelming acetaldehyde character that does fade over time. Some caramel and melanoidins. Some roastiness shows up after some time. No hop aromas detected. No diacetyl, no DMS. Low fruit esters. 4/12

Appearance: Clear dark brown with amber hues. Negligible head, even under agitation. 2/3

Flavour: Very rich. Big caramel and some toasty notes. Some fruit esters are present - plums, raisins, etc. Acetaldehyde is present in flavour as well. Finish is biting and not to character. 7/20

Mouthfeel: Medium full bodied brew, moderate carbonation. There is some astringent harshness about this that I can't fully put my finger on to describe. 3/5

Overall Impression: Colour and initial flavour are indicative of style, but other items are not as representative. The bottle was overfilled and one wonders if there may have been some ill effect from that. 3/10

DDogg rating is  3.8 out of 10 dogs (19/50 BJCP scale). A fair beer, but there were too many off flavour faults and items not to style.

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