Sunday 21 October 2012

review: Delirium Tremens Belgian Golden Ale

Today's beer adventure: Delirium Tremens Belgian Golden Ale (Belgium). 330ml bottle. 8.7% ABV. Served in a tulip glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

Style: 18D - Belgian Golden Strong Ale

Aroma: Belgian yeasts giving typical bready aromas. Appropriate clove and coriander spiciness. Low fruit esters. Floral, perfumed hop character. Alcohol is present, but not overpowering. No solvent character, No diacetyl. 9/12

Appearance: Clear golden colour with an huge rocky white head. Medium high carbonation. Heavy lacing typical to style.  3/3

Flavour: Fruity esters of pear, banana are right out front fading into floral hop character. Very crisp and dry. Medium low peppery spiciness along with clove character. Tasty brew. No alcohol hotness or burn. Carbonation remains high and contributes to the dryness on the finish. Low to no astringency. No diacetyl. 15/20

Mouthfeel: Crisp and dry with a warming alcohol finish that is not hot nor solvent like. Light, refreshing character belies the high alcohol content. 4/5

Overall Impression: Overall a strong representative of the style - a light, effervescent, drinkable Belgian Golden Ale. Blind tasting might have led me to believe it was a Tripel.  7/10

DDogg rating is  7.6 out of 10 dogs (38/50 BJCP scale). The beer certainly scored high, but for me it was a bit meh. It's only an OK beer. Not really a repeat for me.

Brewer's Website:
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