Tuesday, 19 March 2013

review: Full Sail Brewing Amber Ale

Today's beer adventure: Full Sail Amber Ale (Oregon). 355ml bottle. 6.0% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased in the craft beer capital of Saskatchewan - Plentywood, Montana, USA.

The pour is rich amber. High carbonation in glass with one finger of off white head. Excellent clarity. Tons of lacing on glass.

The aroma is of sweet biscuity malt with fruity, floral hops fairly prominent. A bit of lemon. A bit of grass. Very bright nose.

The flavour is toasty sweet malt and brilliant fruity hop followed by more grassy, slightly piney hops. Medium full mouthfeel. Slightly creamy? Dryish finish. Alcohol not prominent..a good thing.

Rating is 7/10 dogs. Decent Amber. More "brilliant" and definitely hoppier on the palate than a Fat Tire or an Alaskan Amber (yes, I know that's an Alt, but it calls itself an amber, so there). Would be a great deck beer.

What other people think: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/39/131
Brewer's website: http://www.fullsailbrewing.com/beers/amber.cfm

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