Tuesday, 12 March 2013

review: Uncommon Brewers Baltic Porter

Today's beer adventure: Uncommon Brewers Baltic Porter (California, USA). 500ml can. 7.8% ABV. Served in stemmed porter glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina. ~$5.00.

The pour is dark mahogany brown topped with a two fingers of foamy tan head. Clear, but opaque. Carbonation can't be seen to the naked eye. Good retention.

Aroma is star anise, roasted malt, espresso coffee, black liquorice (of course). Woody smokiness. Some dark fruit character - plums and dates - is present as well, but is hiding behind the liquorice and coffee.

The flavour is smoky, liquorice flavoured coffee. The black liquorice gets into every fibre of your palate and doesn't let go. Some malt sweetness and is present but is overwhelmed by the blacky blackness of the anise. As the glass warms, the wood smoke gains momentum as well as some bitter cherry. High carbonation leads to a full mouthfeel.

Rating is 7.75/10 dogs. Very complex beer. Once you get past the anise, there are a lot of other things going on. Certainly if black liquorice isn't your thing (as it wasn't with the friends I shared the first can with), I would steer well clear of this inky black offering. Enjoyable beer, especially at the price.

What other people think: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/17962/47631
Brewer's website: http://www.uncommonbrewers.com/baltic.php

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