Thursday, 1 March 2012

review: Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel! Rescousse Altbier

Today's beer adventure: Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel! Rescousse Altbier (St-Jerome, QC). 341ml bottle. 5.0% ABV. Served in my neglected Great Western pint glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina ~$4.00/bottle

The pour is hazy burnt orange in colour. A single finger of head. Really nice lacing. Very little visible carbonation. Nose is fruity, although I can't quite place it. Biscuity malt sweetness, and then...something I really can't place...a bit sour maybe?

Mouthfeel is creamy, a bit viscous. Flavour is crisp. The fruit is there. The malt is there. The hops are definitely there - you get a bit of hop bitterness. All the flavours are much I have trouble identifying precisely what they are...halfway through the pint I still have trouble. Finish is lingering bitter floral hops.

Rating is 6.5/10. Maybe if I had more than one I could figure out what it is that is in this beer. I don't DISlike's a nice drinking beer.....but I would take other Alts ahead of this one. 

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