Monday, 12 March 2012

review: Estrella Damm

Today's beer adventure: Estrella Damm (Spain). 500ml can. 4.6% ABV. Served in my neglected Great Western pint glass. Purchased at SLGA ~$3.50ish

The pour is straw yellow with a small amount of rapidly diminishing head. Lots of fine bubbly carbonation. Zero lacing on glass. Nose is of sweet grapefruit, lemon, grape esters?

Mouthfeel is light/medium. Flavour is YUMMY! Fruity, almost like white wine. Sweet malt and fruity hops. Grapefruit, lemon, slight orange, slight spice although I can't seem to place it. Dry finish..not much lingering. Very, very drinkable refreshing light lager.

Rating is 7.0/10. This beer is reminiscent of a Mexican/Caribbean beer in it's lightness, but is far more fruity and interesting. Definitely a repeat buy.

What other people think (and apparently I'm an idiot):

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