Saturday 17 March 2012

review: Bushwakker Arctic Dark Lager

Today's beer adventure: Bushwakker Arctic Dark Lager (Regina, SK). 2L Jug. 5.0% ABV. Served in my stolen BP pint glass. Purchased at brewpub offsale @ $15.00/2L

The pour is dark copper brown with one finger of off white head. Nose is sweet bready malt, some sweet dark fruit, slight coffee.

The first sip is full of toasted malt and dark fruit, citrusy hops. Mouthfeel is medium. Finish has some bitter dryness but also contains some sweet malt roastiness. This is a really tasty dark lager.

Rating is 7.5/10 dogs. Only available a couple of times a year, this is one of my favourites from the mighty Bushwakker. 

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