Sunday, 28 October 2012

review: 5264 Doppelbock (from ALES Open 2012)

Today's beer adventure: Entry #5264 Dopplebock (Unknown). 330ml bottle. ?.?% ABV. Served in a pint glass. Acquired from the random box of beer entries 2 weeks ago at my BJCP class.

Style: 5C - Doppelbock

Aroma: Sweet maltiness with an initially overwhelming acetaldehyde character that does fade over time. Some caramel and melanoidins. Some roastiness shows up after some time. No hop aromas detected. No diacetyl, no DMS. Low fruit esters. 4/12

Appearance: Clear dark brown with amber hues. Negligible head, even under agitation. 2/3

Flavour: Very rich. Big caramel and some toasty notes. Some fruit esters are present - plums, raisins, etc. Acetaldehyde is present in flavour as well. Finish is biting and not to character. 7/20

Mouthfeel: Medium full bodied brew, moderate carbonation. There is some astringent harshness about this that I can't fully put my finger on to describe. 3/5

Overall Impression: Colour and initial flavour are indicative of style, but other items are not as representative. The bottle was overfilled and one wonders if there may have been some ill effect from that. 3/10

DDogg rating is  3.8 out of 10 dogs (19/50 BJCP scale). A fair beer, but there were too many off flavour faults and items not to style.

ALES Website:

Sunday, 21 October 2012

review: Delirium Tremens Belgian Golden Ale

Today's beer adventure: Delirium Tremens Belgian Golden Ale (Belgium). 330ml bottle. 8.7% ABV. Served in a tulip glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

Style: 18D - Belgian Golden Strong Ale

Aroma: Belgian yeasts giving typical bready aromas. Appropriate clove and coriander spiciness. Low fruit esters. Floral, perfumed hop character. Alcohol is present, but not overpowering. No solvent character, No diacetyl. 9/12

Appearance: Clear golden colour with an huge rocky white head. Medium high carbonation. Heavy lacing typical to style.  3/3

Flavour: Fruity esters of pear, banana are right out front fading into floral hop character. Very crisp and dry. Medium low peppery spiciness along with clove character. Tasty brew. No alcohol hotness or burn. Carbonation remains high and contributes to the dryness on the finish. Low to no astringency. No diacetyl. 15/20

Mouthfeel: Crisp and dry with a warming alcohol finish that is not hot nor solvent like. Light, refreshing character belies the high alcohol content. 4/5

Overall Impression: Overall a strong representative of the style - a light, effervescent, drinkable Belgian Golden Ale. Blind tasting might have led me to believe it was a Tripel.  7/10

DDogg rating is  7.6 out of 10 dogs (38/50 BJCP scale). The beer certainly scored high, but for me it was a bit meh. It's only an OK beer. Not really a repeat for me.

Brewer's Website:
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Sunday, 7 October 2012

review: Phillips Brewing Longboat Chocolate Porter

Today's beer adventure: Phillips Brewing Longboat Chocolate Porter (Victoria, BC). 650ml bottle. 5.2% ABV. Served in a stemmed porter glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

Style: 12B - Robust Porter

Aroma: Roasted malts. Bread. Rich dark chocolate. Some liquorice.  Some dark fruit character. Small amount of diacetyl (artificial butterscotch/toffee). Some DMS (corn character) is present. No hop aromas. Agitiation brings forward a bit of a metallic aroma. 5/12

Appearance: Very dark brown with ruby highlights. Good clarity. Small amount of light tan head. Good retention.  3/3

Flavour: Bitter coffee roastiness, Some DMS character is present and shouldn't be. Only a small amount of chocolate on the tongue - was expecting more. No hop presence. A bit too artificially sweet on the back end.  9/20

Mouthfeel: Medium light to medium mouthfeel. Medium-high carbonation. Sweet, slightly astringent finish. No slickness from the diacetyl. Very little roastiness, which would have given a higher score. 3/5

Overall Impression: The DMS and diacetyl are an issue and take away from a the beer. Tastes of artificial flavourings. Perhaps the use of adjuncts is too high?  5/10

DDogg rating is 5 out of 10 dogs (25/50 BJCP scale). Again, I tried to use the BJCP style guide for this. The beer isn't really that tastes fake. To be fair, I see that the label indicated Chocolate flavoured I guess the artificial flavourings are to be expected. I don't have to like them though. Might have been better cold. I tasted it at about 10c-12c approximately.

Also there is a strong possibility I might be talking out of my ass.

Brewer's Website:
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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

review: Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue)

Today's beer adventure: Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) (Belgium). 750ml bottle. 9% ABV. Served in a tulip glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

Style: 18E - Belgian Strong Ale

Aroma: Dark fruit esters - big raisin, plums, fig, dates. Caramel. Banana. Slight spicy pheneols. Walnuts. Alcohol is way out front - not outside style. No diacetyl. Negligible hop aromas.  10/12

Appearance: Dark amber. Slightly hazy, but not inappropriate for style. Large tan head. Great retention. Medium lacing.  3/3

Flavour: Huge dark fruit esters as per the aroma. Alcohol. Caramel, but not overpowering. Bread. Dry finish, likely from hops. No diacetyl. No astringency. No sour or acidic qualities. Finish lingers for just the right period of time. 15/20

Mouthfeel: Lively on the tongue. Medium mouthfeel but seems lighter due to the fairly high carbonation. No slickness/oiliness. Lots of warming alcohol without being boozy. No acidic bite. 5/5

Overall Impression: Smooth an medium bodied, fruity, a bit of spice. Wonderful Belgian yeast character. Complex, rich beer.  8/10

DDogg rating is 8 out of 10 dogs. I strived in the above to judge the beer against the style guide...not against whether I "liked" it or not...hint though..I liked it. A lot.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Beer Nerd Alert - First BJCP class!

So the first BJCP class was last night. I might be a little scared. :) I think it will be alright, but the amount of information that needs to be absorbed prior to writing the first test - 200 questions in ONE HOUR - and the second practical exam, is very high. I am going to try and follow the BJCP guidelines a bit during the next while while doing my reviews.

Anyways, if you happen to care about the program I am taking - here is the info:

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Countdown to the BJCP class!

Sooo...this coming Monday, September 24th, is my first step towards becoming a certified beer judge. I am taking the BJCP training course with my buddy Derek. At worst we will drink a lot of neat beers between now and January. At best, we will learn a ton and maybe even get a whole bunch better at identifying what it is that we are tasting and smelling.

I am hoping to blog that experience as well. We are very excited. SQUEEEEE!!!!

review: Anchor Bock

Today's beer adventure: Anchor Bock (California, USA). 355ml bottle. 5.5% ABV. Served in a pint glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

The pour is dark brown with amber hues. One finger of tight tan head. Good retention. Nose of sweet dark fruit, anise, pumpernickel bread. The nose also has a metallic quality about it...not sure what that is.

The flavour is of plum, yeast, dark roasted malt and cherries with tangy citrus on the finish.

Rating is 7.0 dogs. This bock is alright...fresh...a bit "light" for a bock, and would be very sessionable. Tasty, but there are better.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Monday, 17 September 2012

review: North Coast Brewing PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale

Today's beer adventure: North Coast Brewing PranQster Belgian Style Golden Ale (California, USA). 355ml bottle. 7.6% ABV. Served in a tulip glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina, SK.

The pour is hazy amber with 3 fingers of foamy white head. Excellent retention. Medium carbonation. Nose is of sweet Belgian yeast, honey, slight banana, spices and citrus fruits.

The flavour is honeyed lemon, orange and grapefruit. Apricot and banana. Very sweet. Only a little of the cloves and coriander that one might expect. A bit dry on the finish. Big round mouthfeel and medium carbonation. ABV is well hidden.

Rating is 7.0 dogs. Really tasty, but maybe a bit too sweet? Lacks the subtlety that other great Belgian ales have. Would buy again.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Monday, 20 August 2012

review: Harviestoun Schiehallion Lager

Today's beer adventure: Harviestoun Schiehallion Lager (Scotland). 500ml bottle. 4.8% ABV. Served in a pint glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina.

The pour is yellow honey with 2 fingers of white head. Good retention. Medium carbonation. Nose is lightly toasted cereals, bread, light malt sweetness.

The flavour is sweet honey malt with a caramelly toasted malt backbone. Slight grassy hop bitterness near the finish. Finish is long and bittersweet. Medium mouthfeel.

Rating is 7.5 dogs. This lager has something I wasn't expecting - taste. The beer is enjoyable from the first pull until the last. Solid offering from the brewery that brought us Old Engine Oil Porter.

What other people think:
Fun video review:
Brewer's website:

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

review: Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout

Today's beer adventure: Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout (Yorkshire, UK). 550ml bottle. 5.0% ABV. Served in a goblet. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina. Can't remember how much it was...maybe $6.00?

The pour is dark brown with 3 fingers of thick, creamy, tan-coloured head. Low carbonation. Nose is bread, coffee, chocolate, toasted cereals.

The flavour is fan-freaking-tastic. The chocolate-covered coffee beans hit first, then a bit of raisin and date. Fig. Bitter, fruity hops on the finish. Smooth drinking, creamy mouthfeel.

Rating is 8.75/10 dogs. Holy crap this stuff is incredible. I've stated before that I am a fan of oatmeal stouts, but this one *might* be my favourite. Wow. Easy drinking and full of flavour. The glass begs you to come back for another pull. Yummy!

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

review: Rogue Brutal IPA

Today's beer adventure: Rogue Brutal IPA (Oregon, USA). 650ml bottle. 5.8% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits. About $8.00/bottle

The pour is medium yellow/amber with three fingers of white head. High carbonation in glass. Nose is BIG pine, grapefruit, lemon, bread, slight orange, bit of caramel(?).

The flavour is pine sap/resin, grass, lemony hop...really bitter. The middle is the big bitterness. I was expecting to get kicked right out of the gate, but it builds to the bitter middle. The citrus is a bit cloying. Finish dies down quickly but lingers....and lingers. Medium mouthfeel.

Rating is 7.25/10 dogs. Good, bitter IPA, could use a little bit more citrus for me instead of hinting at it, but still solid.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

review: Anderson Valley Brewing Brother David's Triple Abbey Style Ale

Today's beer adventure: Anderson Valley Brewing Brother David's Triple Abbey Style Ale (California, USA). 650ml bottle. 10.0% ABV(!). Served in tulip glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina. Can't remember how much $$.

The pour is dark amber red topped with a small amount of white head. High carbonation in the glass. Nose is sweet honey - almost mead-like, candied cherries, a bit grassy, biscuit.

The flavour is sweet malt with tangy fruitiness. Alcohol. Apples. Spiciness that I can't put my finger on - a bit like caribbean rum? Musty(?) Finish is shortish, dry, a bit boozy. Mouthfeel is very light, almost watery.

Rating is 8.0/10 dogs. Definitely not the type of Tripel that I am used to, with less of the dark fruit and bananas and more of the snappy crispness of apples and the sweetness of candy. The alcohol, while present, is not overpowering at all. That said, it does creep up on you. :) How YOU doin'? 

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

review: Deschutes Green Lakes Organic Ale

Today's beer adventure: Deschutes Green Lakes Organic Ale (Oregon, USA). 355ml bottle. 5.2% ABV. Served in pint glass. This bottle was given to me by my beer-loving co-worker Rob who purchased it during his driving holiday to Portland.

The pour is dark amber with a towering fluffy white head. Great lacing. Medium high carbonation in the glass. Nose is pine, a bit of grapefruit, some sweet malt.

The flavour is light piney, fruity hop with a solid malt backend. This brew is "west coast pale ale lite".  Some honey sweetness and a bit of pepper round it out. Relatively short and slightly bitter finish.

Rating is 7.0/10 dogs. Neat beer. It really doesn't lack in anything one would expect in a west coast IPA style beer, but it is just a little less. VERY sessionable. I do wish I had more as this would be a fantastic hot day deck beer.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

review: Widmer Brothers Drop Top Amber Ale

Today's beer adventure: Widmer Brothers Drop Top Amber Ale (Oregon, USA). 355ml bottle. 5.3% ABV. Served in pint glass. This bottle was given to me by my beer-loving co-worker Rob who purchased it during his driving holiday to Portland.

The pour is yellow amber with one finger of quickly dissipating head. High carbonation in glass. Nose is sweet toasted malt, bread, fruity hops.

The flavour is right back to the malt, then honey followed up immediately by orange, slight lemon, bit of grapefruit. The fruitiness of the hops is there, but really not much of the bitterness - just enough to cut through the sweetness.  Light, sparkly mouthfeel.

Rating is 7.0/10 dogs. Good amber. Rob and I tried this at his home previously and we both very much enjoyed it. Refreshing beer without having to compromise on taste.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Monday, 23 July 2012

review: Paddock Wood Bête Noire

Today's beer adventure: Paddock Wood Bête Noire Oatmeal Stout (Saskatoon, SK). 355ml bottle. 5.4% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased at Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina. Approx $3.75/bottle.

The pour is *black* with a small amount of tan head. Medium/high carbonation. Great lacing. Nose is espresso, dark chocolate, slight dark fruits, liquorice and roasty malty sweetness.

The flavour is big plum off the top, raisin, dark roasted malt, pumpernickel bread, coffee, bittersweet chocolate, walnut(?). Long, bitter, dry finish. Light/medium mouthfeel.

Rating is 8.5/10 dogs. I love this beer. I am a big fan of oatmeal stouts anyways, but this one is fantastic. Paddock Wood is a tremendous, imaginative brewery that just keeps putting out fantastic beer. 

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Sunday, 15 July 2012

review: Žatec Dark Lager

Today's beer adventure: Žatec Dark Lager (Czech Republic). 500ml bottle. 5.7% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased Willow Park Wine and Spirits in Regina ~$7.00/bottle

The pour is a dark, almost black, with ruby highlights. Two fingers of tan head. Medium carbonation. Nose is sweet and malty with a bit of liquorice.

The flavour is sweet malt, then the liquorice. Not much else for me. Finish is short, a bit roasty and a slight bit bitter. I get a metallic taste through the backend as well..not sure what that is about.

Rating is 6.75/10 dogs. S'OK. Good beer. Wold buy it if I saw it on tap somewhere and there were few other options. Wouldn't run out to buy another bottle tomorrow either, but it's good. Easy to drink.

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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

review: Gordon Biersch Blonde Bock

Today's beer adventure: Gordon Biersch Blonde Bock (California, USA). 355ml bottle. 7.0% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased at during our last trip to Plentywood for "supplies". About $12.00 for 6 once you get them across the border.

The pour is reddish amber topped with a quickly dissipating white head. High carbonation. No lacing. Nose is big toffee, caramel and sweet malt with a bit of apple/pear and some spices as well.

The flavour is soft and honey-sweet, but in a very good way. The toffee works it's way in there as does a slight bit of orange and lime(?). Honey-roasted peanuts. Cloves? 

Rating is 7.5/10 dogs. This beer is what bocks are about - malty sweetness done just right. Nice bock. Very tasty. Love the mouthfeel....almost mead-like. Yummy.

What other people think:
More about the brewery:

review: Yellowstone Valley Brewing Wild Fly Ale

Today's beer adventure: Yellowstone Brewing Wild Fly Ale (Montana, USA). 355ml bottle. 5.9% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased at during our last trip to Plentywood for "supplies". About $12.00 for 6 once you get them across the border.

The pour is a pleasing dark amber, almost brown. A little bit opaque. 1-1/2 fingers of white head. Fairly high carbonation. Great lacing. Nose is toffee, plum, lemon, a bit of pine, honey(?).

The flavour is sweet - honey up front, caramel/toffee, the pine is there and the lemon as well - cutting the sweetness a bit. Lots of sweet malty back end.

Rating is 6.5/10 dogs. Decent. This is another where I had a bottle before I put it in a glass to taste and the glass makes a big difference - I wasn't too much of a fan of this when it was in the bottle. Overall a little too sweet for me - honey sweet rather than malty sweet.

What other people think:
More about the brewery:

Thursday, 5 July 2012

review: Bayern Brewing Maibock

Today's beer adventure: Bayern Brewing Maibock (Montana, USA). 355ml bottle. 6.5% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased at during our last trip to Plentywood for "supplies". About $12.00 for 6 once you get them across the border.

The pour is a golden honey amber. Slightly hazy. Small amount of quickly dissipating head. Good lacing though. Medium carbonation. Nose is of ripe apples, pears, banana, apricots, bread, toffee(?).

The flavour is sweet malty goodness. Apricot, pears, apples round out the fruit flavours, then caramel and toffee bring up the middle. Bit of citrus hops on the end and more malt. Finish is long, malty with a slight bitterness right at the end.. The alcohol is non-existent.

Rating is 7.5/10 dogs. Ahh..Bayern. You'll make a lager fan of me yet. Damn I like everything from this place. This would definitely have a regular place in my collection if it was more readily available in Canuckistan. Me likey.

What other people think:
More about the brewery:

review: Bushwakker Brewing Honey Thistle Wit

(From June 2012) Today's beer adventure: Bushwakker Honey Thistle Wit (Regina, SK). On tap at the brewpub. 4.8% ABV. Served in pint glass. $6.95/pint.

The pour is straw yellow. Hazy. Huge head. Medium carbonation. Nose is lemon and grapefruit, cloves, coriander and white pepper.

The flavour is classic witbier: banana, lemon, cloves, citrus zest, bread. Finish is tart and slightly bitter.

Rating is 7.5/10 dogs. More interesting than I remember. Very light and refreshing. Perfect beer for a hot evening on the deck.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

review: Henry Weinhard's Private Reserve Lager

Today's beer adventure: Henry Weinhard's Private Reserve Classic Northwest Lager (whew!)  (Oregon, USA). 355ml bottle. 4.8% ABV. Served in stolen BP pint glass. Purchased during a recent trip to Plentywood, MT. $9.99USD for a sixer plus all the fees the Canadian and SK governments add on at the border....about $13.00 for the six.

The pour is a straw yellow with one finger of white head. Medium/high carbonation. Nose is sweet sweet malt, light floral hops. Not much else to be said there.

The flavour is sweet pear, apples, a bit of citrusy hop, grass. Sparkles on the tongue..high carbonation..very "macro beer".

Rating is 5.75/10 dogs. Better than most macros, but not really that stellar. Meh. S'OK.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

Monday, 25 June 2012

review: Ninkasi Brewing Spring Reign Ale

Today's beer adventure: Ninkasi Brewing Spring Reign Ale (Oregon, USA). 355ml bottle. 6.0% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased during a recent trip to Plentywood, MT. $9.99USD for a sixer plus all the fees the Canadian and SK governments add on at the border....about $13.00 for the six.

The pour is a red/amber with only a small amount of white head. Low carbonation. Nose is floral, orange, lemon, little bit of sweet malt. Been down this road before.. :)

The flavour is tart lemon, lime and orange. Malty in the middle. A bit of floral hop on the finish. Crisp, light mouthfeel. 

Rating is 7/10 dogs. Seasonal release. Nice beer. I think I like the Total Domination IPA better though.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

review: Bayern Brewing Dump Truck Summer Bock

Today's beer adventure: Bayern Brewing Dump Truck Summer Bock (Montana, USA). 355ml bottle. 6.0% ABV. Served in my stolen BP pint glass. Purchased at some random gas station in Montana. $7.99/6 pack sounds about right.

The pour is hazy lemon yellow with a small amount of head. Medium carbonation. Nose is sweet malt, lemon. Not much on the nose for me.

The flavour is sweet malt, lemon loaf, grass, grapefruit. Short, sweet malt finish. The flavour, though simple, begs you to come back for more.

Rating is 7.5/10 dogs. Very nice bock. Quaffable. I want another. I really like the offerings from Bayern...if I could get them more consistently, they would be mainstays for me.

What other people think:
Brewer's website:

review: Ninkasi Brewing Total Domination IPA

Today's beer adventure: Ninkasi Brewing Total Domination IPA (Oregon, USA). 355ml bottle. 6.7% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased during a recent trip to Plentywood, MT. $9.99USD for a sixer plus all the fees the Canadian and SK governments add on at the border....about $13.00 for the six.

The pour is a hazy yellow amber with 2 fingers of white head that sticks around for a bit turning into some heavy lacing. High carbonation in the glass. Nose is floral, orange, slight pine, lemon, little bit of sweet malt.

The flavour is citrus - mostly orange although grapefruit, lemon and lime are there as well. Pine. Sweet malt on the back end. Bitter pine and citrus finish. Medium mouthfeel.

Rating is 7.25/10 dogs. S'alright. Quite approachable. The orange throws me a bit, but it's not off-putting. I like it.

What other people think:
Brewer's website: