Today's beer adventure: Bust-A-Nut Original Ale. 355ml Bottle. 5.0%(?) ABV. Served in branded Bust-A-Nut glass. Won online in a contest after trying it at Festiv-Ale. Hey, FREE BEER!!!.
The pour is a dark amber. Sightly hazy. 2 fingers of rocky head. Good lacing. Good carbonation. Nose is of floral hops, grapefruit, slight biscuit. sight spice.
Flavour is a hop forward ESB-style. Grapefruit, malt sweetness, again with the biscuit. Pleasingly bitter finish.
Rating is 7.25/10 dogs. This is a solid offering by a new brewery that is finding their feet in Regina. Hopefully this beer is well received when it comes onstream sometime in April (according to the brewers). Bust-A-Nut Original would serve as a good introduction to hoppy beers for the rookie.
Apparently there are plans in the works for other brews as well.
Since there are no other reviews for this beer, go check out the brewery homepage ->
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