Thursday 9 February 2012

review: Maredsous 10 Tripel

LIVE FROM BUSHWAKKER BREWPUB IN REGINA..Today's LIVE BLOGGED beer adventure: Maredsous 10 Tripel. On tap @ Bushwakker Brewpub in Regina. 10% ABV. $9.95/ ha'pint. Served in a La Trappe goblet. Enjoyed with my good buddy Derek Barnes.

The pour is a pleasing golden amber. Head is pretty much non-existent (awww....). Tremendous lacing.
Nose is of wood, massive alcohol...kinda like moonshine! Hard to get past the booze.

Flavour is definitely boozy, then sweet malt kicks in. Bitter hops. Very dry finish.

Rating: 7.5 dogs. This is an OK tripel....not the best, but OK. The La Trappe that BW had on tap prior to this one was better IMHO.

What other people think:

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