Monday 20 February 2012

review: Red Lodge Bent Nail IPA

Today's beer adventure: Red Lodge Bent Nail IPA. 355ml Bottle. 6.0% ABV. Served in pint glass. Purchased during our trip to Plentywood. ~$2.00/bottle.

The pour is slightly dark copper. Two fingers of frothy head. Good lacing. Nose is an assault of fruity hops - grapefruit, lemon, but malt(!?), leather? The nose gets me really wondering about this beer.

Flavour is hop forward - grapefruit, pine, lemon, etc....then lots of unexpected underlying malt, bready cereal. Medium-light body, Lingering bittersweet finish.

Rating is 6.0/10 dogs. The balance just wasn't there for me even though the malt was there. It tastes like they threw in the malt as an afterthought? Too much hop? Not enough malt? Not sure...
One thing is for sure, this is the kind of beer that I neither like nor dislike, which means that I will drink them until I decide one way or the other. If I come up with something brilliant to say, I will leave it in the comments, but don't hold your breath.

What other people think:

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