Tuesday 21 February 2012

review: New Belgium Ranger IPA

Today's beer adventure: New Belgium Ranger IPA. 355ml Bottle. 6.5% ABV. Served in my stolen BP pint glass. Purchased during our trip to Plentywood. ~$2.00/bottle.

The pour is golden. Two fingers of frothy, long-lasting head. Lacing stays around forever. Nose is of BIG fruity hops - grapefruit, lemon, cut grass. Big nose on this.

Flavour is west coast IPA - grapefruit, lemon, pine sap, grassy. Crisp sparkly mouthfeel. Lingering bitterness in the finish. Enough malt to give reasonable balance, although the hops are still very much in the forefront.

Rating is 7.5/10 dogs. Big hop forward beer. Would be incredible with hot spicy food. I am just getting my "hop legs" under me, and this is pretty hoppy for me. Very solid beer. I had been looking forward to this as it is from New Belgium, which produces Fat Tire, which I love. I am not disappointed.

**BTW..I have no idea why the font is F*ucked on this post...sorry.

What other people think: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/new-belgium-ranger-ipa/108325/

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